En solo à 14 ans, une pilote du Pacifique à l’Atlantique

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FAA rules require that the pilot of a conventional airplane must be at least 16 years old for them to get a pilot’s license and fly solo, a glider pilot only needs to be 14. This made it possible for Riley to fly the Pipistrel Sinus on her overland adventure.

Most of the trip was flown early in the morning when there was less wind and less thermal activity. Normally, Riley would fly at around 9,500 feet to clear the mountain ranges and keep in clean air.

Her trip took her from Marina to Apple Valley CA on the first day, stops followed in Arizona, New Mexico, Kansas, Missouri and Ohio. The final day she was airborne and into a 45-knot tailwind meaning she could fly from Ohio all the way to Maine in just one flight, completing the trip in just 9 days. Along the way Riley gave several talks to aviation youth groups speaking about her adventure and her enjoyment flying the Pipistrel Sinus aircraft.