F-35 Joint Strike Fighter : une sacrée ardoise selon le GAO (Cour des Comptes américaine).

The estimated total investment cost is currently about $385 billion ( 385 milliards de dollars ) to develop and procure 2,457 aircraft.
Le rapport annoté de la Cour des Comptes: F-35-GAO-2012-06-591608
http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-11-450T (mars 2011)
http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-2008-03.html ( un « papier » datant de 2008)
http://www.cfr.org/defense-technology/gao-joint-strike-fighter-inadequate-testing/p12029 The U.S. Government Accountability Office reports that a joint strike fighter is to be produced before adequate testing is complete.)