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[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EG5eXtnEd8U&w=560&h=315]
Touch Pilot™ Releases Touch Pilot One™ for iPad and Android Tablets
Touch Pilot One allows virtual pilots to control a flight simulator on a PC, from a tablet. On-screen controls allow the user to adjust throttle, gear, flaps, and more with just a touch. It transmits commands over WiFi, and works with any flight simulator running on a Windows PC.
San Francisco, CA – August 5th, 2012. Touch Pilot has released it’s debut app, Touch Pilot One, for Android tablets. Touch Pilot One allows virtual pilots to control a flight simulator on a PC, from a tablet.
Modern flight simulators are highly complex, just like the aircraft they seek to simulate. There are too many controls for one joystick to cover. Most sims use the PC’s keyboard for the rest of the controls. In the past, users faced the cumbersome task of memorizing dozens of keyboard commands, which are different for each sim. Those days are over with Touch Pilot One. Now, pilots can touch realistic looking aircraft controls on their tablet’s screen instead. The controls are clearly labeled, conveniently illuminated, and a joy to use compared to a clackety old keyboard. Flight sim pilots will be more deeply immersed in the feeling of flying a real aircraft. To see Touch Pilot One in action, watch the demo video on You Tube.
Touch Pilot One works by transmitting commands over WiFi, and emulating a joystick on the PC. The controls are mapped just like a regular joystick, because the simulator sees Touch Pilot One as just another joystick on the system. The app requires a free server component that runs on the PC. It can be downloaded from Touch Pilot’s website:
More information about Touch Pilot, including screenshots, videos, and a press kit, can be found on the Touch Pilot One official website.

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