L’assemblage final du nouveau Boeing 777X se fera dans l’état de Washington

Pas de délocalisation hors du Nord-Est US … après un nouveau vote (très serré) au sein du syndicat des machinistes. L’emploi sera assuré pendant dix ans au prix de concessions importantes sur les salaires et retraites.

Members of Boeing’s machinists union on Friday voted by a slim margin to accept the company’s proposal of a long-term contract that will guarantee construction of a new long-range wide-body aircraft in the Puget Sound region, in exchange for significant wage and retirement benefit concessions.

The new contract means Boeing will build a composite wing for the new 777X plane and will assemble the final product in its Everett, Wash., plant. Boeing already has about 80,000 employees in facilities around the Puget Sound region, and the new contract means the 20,000 or so who will work on the 777X will be located in Washington state for at least the next decade.



Capture d’écran 2014-01-04 à 19.02.05

Voir aussi les billets http://lf5422.wordpress.com/?s=777X