Le vol MH370 et les défaillances de la surveillance militaire aérienne

Un article intéressant de la BBC à lire en anglais sur http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-26603830
Lire aussi http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2014/03/malaysia-airlines-flight-mh370 et http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/15/flight-mh370-malaysia-hunt-speculation

Voir aussi un billet en français sur http://psk.blog.24heures.ch/archive/2014/03/16/le-point-sur-le-vol-mh370-855455.html

The plane’s communication systems were systematically disabled after take-off, and after its last contact with air-traffic control over the South China Sea it was probably flying for about another seven hours. The plane was diverted back across peninsular Malaysia and flew off in a north-westerly direction. It certainly had enough fuel on board to do this.