Pilot guides and information de la CASA (AUS)

Venant d’Australie, source : http://www.casa.gov.au
English language proficiency for flight crew
Deux videos à voir sur http://www.flightsafetyaustralia.com/2015/04/new-dramas-highlight-safety-management/
The first video (shown above), titled ‘SOS’, gives an inside look at the safety challenges facing Bush Aviation. This video provides insights on how issues like poor leadership; poor fatigue management and bad maintenance practices can all lead to disastrous consequences.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-j4pN18IaQ&w=560&h=315]
The second video, ‘SMS’, analyses the issues identified in ‘SOS’ .It shows what happens when the management and staff at Bush Aviation make different decisions, and some of the practical approaches Bush Aviation adopts to help mitigate these risk factors.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYZFQJSGfiQ&w=560&h=315]