Xavion : une app en cas d’urgence ?

Lire : http://www.aopa.org/News-and-Video/All-News/2013/April/1/Avionics-When-all-else-fails


Le site : http://xavion.com/

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Designed by Austin Meyer, founder of the wildly successful X-Plane flight simulation software, Xavion uses the iPad’s internal sensors (or a Levil Technologies attitude heading reference system) to show pilots how to glide to a runway if the engine quits. It also provides an extremely capable substitute for traditional avionics if any, or all, flight instruments were to fail.


At just $19.99/month (or $199/year if you try it for a month and then decide to save by buying by the year), Xavion is a fraction of the price of a traditional glass cockpit. Plus, you’ll be able to connect to X-Plane and have the most powerful avionics available in a flight simulator. Get it in the App Store now.