La prévol pour le(s) passager(s)

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Airsickness – Everyone is capable of feeling uncomfortable during flight, especially newcomers. Provide airsickness bags and make sure your passengers let you know sooner rather than later if they are having problems.

… surtout si vous volez en atmosphère turbulente, si le passage prend des photos, si le passage bavard devient muet

Evacuation – Make sure all passengers know how to evacuate from the aircraft in an emergency. You may be incapacitated and your life could well be in their hands! 

Décrire les modalités d’utilisation du parachute de secours

Traffic – We operate in a busy aviation system. All sets of eyes are critical. Get your passengers involved with looking outside and calling out other aircraft.

… et pour les oiseaux parfois un peu sourds au bruit des avions ou ULM