Zigolo MG21


Zigolo Mg21 currently flying, more flight tests are in process.

We will add a new web page as soon as possible, the construction is completely sheet metal and fabric ultralight aircraft will be sold in advanced kit.

The project is based on compact, foldable aircraft with 65Mph cruise speed in open cockpit, easy to fold in one person, easy to transport with a trailer or van. 

 Also Far 103 compatible with large wings and flaps
The presale for quick build kit will be open just at the end of the flight test, we have in stock all material for the first batch.
We have received a lot of interest, for this we take a decision to open a list and give you the opportunity to show your interest and help us to understand how many aircraft must be produced in this first batch.

Une vidéo sur https://fb.watch/bveC6gQqlE/