UK-Rwanda: refus des compagnies aériennes ?

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Une politique fondamentale du gouvernement britannique visant à envoyer des demandeurs d’asile au Rwanda est confrontée à un nouveau problème après que les compagnies aériennes auraient refusé de participer au processus d’expulsion.  

According to The Times, airlines have refused to become embroiled in the controversial policy due to fear of reputational damage.  

Senior government figures told the British newspaper that no contracts have been signed for aircraft to fly asylum seekers to the African country even if UK courts eventually support the scheme. 

“It’s unbelievable. We’ve given £100 million to the Rwandan government for a Rwandan scheme and yet we have no planes to get people to Rwanda,” a government source told The Times.  

It is understood that the UK government has appointed agents to try and locate a company that would be willing to supply aircraft. 

If no willing airline or aircraft provider can be sourced, then the UK Ministry of Defense (MOD) may be forced to use military aircraft flown by the Royal Air Force (RAF).