Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat and Reconnaissance) has the electronic warfare equipment and weapons for the suppression of enemy air defences and for electronic and tactical reconnaissance, whilst retaining all the capabilities of the Tornado IDS.
This specialised version of the Tornado is only operated within the Air Forces of Germany and Italy. It was developed specifically for reconnaissance and the location and suppression of enemy anti-aircraft systems. The formulation of the German requirement was dated in the early Eighties, and resulted in a Luftwaffe order for 35 new build aircraft in 1986. Deliveries continued until 28th January 1992, when the 35th and final example was handed over, the aircraft also being the last of the 357 aircraft manufactured by MBB. The Italian ECR configuration was very close to the ECR German aircraft configuration, with Italy deciding to have 16 IDS aircraft converted to the ECR avionic and weapons fit. The first aircraft was delivered on 07th April 1998.