UK CAA et aviation générale: vers une simplification (licence, formation)

CAA on General Aviation

The General Aviation podcast brings you the latest guidance from the UK Civil Aviation Authority with information for all types of General Aviation (GA) operating in the UK. Including updates and discussions on our current projects and areas of work. You’ll hear interviews with representatives from our GA teams, experts on their particular fields, sharing details of their work and regulatory updates as well as highlighting opportunities for members of the UK GA community to get involved.

Post consultation licensing simplification project update

Thu, 24 Oct 2024 11:00:00 +0100

In March 2024, we launched a 10 week consultation on phase two of the general aviation pilot licensing and training simplification project.

In September we released the consultation response documents covering aeroplanes, balloons, gyroplanes, helicopters and sailplanes.

In this episode we’re joined by Ed Bellamy from our General Aviation Unit, who will be providing a helpful overview of the consultation feedback and next steps.

CAP3032A: General Aviation Pilot Licensing Review Phase 2: Aeroplanes Consultation Response Document

CAP3032E: General Aviation Pilot Licensing Review Phase 2: Helicopter Consultation Response Document

CAP3032F: General Aviation Pilot Licensing Review Phase 2: Sailplanes Consultation Response Document

CAP3032G: General Aviation Pilot Licensing Review Phase 2: Gyroplanes Consultation Response Document