USAF : le vieil U-2 piloté surpasse le drone Global Hawk RQ-4 block 30

La charge utile de l’U-2 est plus grande que celle du RQ-4. Ses sensors sont donc plus développés. Mais seuls les américains possèdent des U-2.

Son heure de vol est moins chère.

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Extract from “Air Force Strategic Choices and Budget Priorities Brief at the Pentagon” on 27 January 2012. 

The reality is that the Global Hawk system has proven not to be less expensive to operate than the U-2. And in many respects, the Global Hawk Block 30 system is not as capable from a sensor point of view, as is the U-2. And so we have made the choice, as the deputy secretary mentioned yesterday — cancel the Block 30 program.

PS. “not to be less expensive” = more expensive!



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