Des Pilatus PC-9M pour la Jordanie


Outre bientôt la Jordanie, les pays utilisateurs sont : Angola 9, Arabie Saoudite 50, Australie 67, Birmanie 10, Bulgarie 6, Croatie 20, Ireland 8, Slovénie 12, Thaïlande 36.

Ci dessous un PC-9 slovène



Le T-6 Texan II américain a été développé par Beechcraft sur la base du Pilatus PC-9 et livré à plusieurs centaines d’exemplaires. Voir

Texan II


Liste des armées de l’air qui l’utilisent :


The T-6 is a development of the Pilatus PC-9, modified significantly by Beechcraft in order to enter the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) competition in the 1990s.[1] A similar arrangement between Pilatus and British Aerospace had also been in place for a Royal Air Force competition in the 1980s, although this competition selected the Short Tucano. The aircraft was designated under the 1962 United States Tri-Service aircraft designation systemand named for the decades-earlier T-6 Texan.

The JPATS competition winning design was based on a commercial off the shelf Pilatus PC-9, with minor modifications. Additional requirements and conflicts between the Air Force and the Navy resulted in delays, cost increases (from initial estimates of $3.9 to roughly $6 million per aircraft) and a completely new aircraft that is 22% or 1,100 lbs heavier than the Pilatus.[2]

On April 9, 2007 the U.S. Department of Defense released their Selected Acquisition Reports, which reported that the T-6 JPATS program was one of only eight programs cited for Congressional notification for 25–50% cost overrun over initial estimates, which is referred to as a “Nunn-McCurdy Breach” after the Nunn-McCurdy Amendment. It is unusual for a program so far into full rate production to experience significant enough cost overruns to trigger this Congressional notification.[3]