Bulgarie : le choix du Saab Gripen JAS 39C

Extrait de Air International

La Bulgarie choisit un avion peu cher (la première génération du Gripen) pour remplacer ses vieux MiG-21 et MiG-29

Lire aussi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saab_JAS_39_Gripen


The JAS 39 entered service with the F 7 Wing (F 7 Skaraborgs Flygflottilj) on 1 November 1997.[150][151] The final Batch three aircraft was delivered to FMV on 26 November 2008.[36] This was accomplished at 10% less than the agreed-upon price for the batch, putting the JAS 39C flyaway cost at under US$30 million.[36] This batch of Gripens was equipped for in-flight refuelling from specially equipped TP84s.[33] In 2007, a programme was started to upgrade 31 of the air force’s JAS 39A/B fighters to JAS 39C/Ds.[152] The SwAF had a combined 134 JAS 39s in service in January 2013.[153] In March 2015, the Swedish Air Force received its final JAS 39C.[154]