Le Farfadet SO-1310: un hybride


The sole Sud Ouest SO 1310 Faradet, F-W8GD seen here, represented French interest in exploring the potential of the hot-cycle rotored convertiplane comparable to the Fairey Jet Gyrodyne in Britain. For lift-off, compressed air from a 400 ehp Turbomeca Arrius II was ducted out to rotor tip combustors. Once aloft the Arrius II was shut down and the rotor then went into undriven autorotative mode, with propulsion being provided by the nose-mounted 400shp Turbomeca Marcadau. The Faradet’s first untethered flight was made on 8 May 1953, in helicopter form, that is without the nose-mounted Marcadau. With the additional propulsion engine now fitted, the Faradet first flew in full convertiplane mode on I July 1953.