Spotting à Melbourne : A380, B747, B777, A350, B787

Premier vol du jet d’affaires Gulfstream 700

Trafic aérien et coronavirus en Europe

Source Les Echos…

Collision en 1956 au-dessus du Grand Canyon

Fatal Collision Over the Grand Canyon | United 718 and TWA 2 Find out why United Airlines Flight 718 and Trans World Airlines Flight 2 collided in mid-air over the Grand Canyon in Arizona and why this accident led to significant changes in the regulation of flight operations…

Un Airbus perd un roue en vol

Voir Air Canada A319 loses a wheel Air Canada flight 715 began its take off from New York’s La Guardia Airport with all its wheels, but lost one of its main gear wheels shortly after departure. The aircraft performed a fly past in Toronto so that the tower…

La marché du long-courrier en berne

Le trafic des 25 principaux aéroports chinois : une baisse de 80%


AF-KLM: chiffres 2019…

ADP leader mondial

Le monocouloir chinois Comac C919 en retard…
1 178 179 180 181 182 364