Fausse dépressurisation et descente d’urgence : analyse d’un incident
A serious incident on a European low-cost carrier illustrates several salient points about safety: aircraft maintenance is a game played for high stakes, errors are sometimes built into systems and hard-earned reputations are fragile indeed. Sur cet incident lire http://www.flightsafetyaustralia.com/2015/09/low-cost-high-drama/…
Antonov An-225 Mriya
Source : http://www.epktspotters.org/…
Incidents pendant des vols commerciaux
Lire http://www.flightsafetyaustralia.com/2015/09/bogged-down-discarded-toy-takes-terrible-revenge/ Un jouet dans le toilettes, des balles aussi, un bouchon de champagne ……
Hydravion DHC-6 Twin Otter aux Maldives
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWTicd8um9c&w=560&h=315]…
London airports : une vidéo
Sources : http://volets10.fr/WP/archives/18242 et http://www.aerovfr.com/2015/08/le-trafic-aerien-en-europe/ NATS handles over 2 million flights in UK airspace every year. Of those, over 1.2 million arrive at or depart from one of the five main London airports. That’s over 3,500 flights every day using just six runways.And 99.8% of flights experience no…
150 Triple 7 en service chez Emirates
En attendant la version X du 777 du Boeing Lire http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/boeing-emirates-celebrate-airlines-150th-777-delivery-300137515.html et http://psk.blog.24heures.ch/archive/2015/09/04/150eme-b777-pour-emirates-859640.html Plus d’info sur le 777 : http://www.boeing.com/commercial/777/#/777-signature-experience Les compagnies qui le mettent en oeuvre : http://www.boeing.com/commercial/777/#/customers Voir aussi sur l’énigme du vol MH370 http://www.lesoir.be/980170/article/actualite/monde/2015-09-03/mh370-debris-retrouve-reunion-appartient-avec-certitude-au-boeing-777…
Train d’atterrissage : une vidéo
En images de synthèse [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD0ntyJbfWQ&w=560&h=315]…
Août 1985: retour sur un mois désastreux
Lire sur http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-33931693…
Des e-cigarettes qui fondent dans vos bagages
Lire http://www.flightsafetyaustralia.com/2015/08/e-cigarette-melts-handbag/ The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) modified its technical instructions in June, prohibiting passengers and crew from carrying e-cigarettes and other battery-powered portable electronic smoking devices in checked baggage. The amendment also prohibits recharging the devices in aircraft cabins. http://www.icao.int/Newsroom/Pages/FR/ICAO-Confirms-New-E-Cigarette-Restrictions_FR.aspx : L’OACI confirme de nouvelles restrictions…
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZVX921Z0wc&w=560&h=315]…