Mémoriser les procédures d’urgence ?
https://pilotworkshop.com/tips/memorizing-emergency-checklists/ ou écouter en anglais Voir aussi https://pilotworkshops.s3.amazonaws.com/Tip%20and%20add%20Content/Pages_from_PFM_Emergency_strategies2.pdf…
UAT ? la météo et le trafic à bord de votre aéronef ?
https://www.motorflyvning.dk/uat What can we do now and what are the perspectives? AOPA has for a long time been working to improve access to weather and traffic data in the cockpit in Europe. In the US the groundbased UAT transmitters has for years been established across the continent and…
En vol sur un NASA ER-2
Oct 26, 2023 On this exciting two-part episode of Between Two Wings we talk with Dean Neeley, better known by his fellow pilots as “Gucci”, who flies NASA’s unique high-altitude research jet, the ER-2. In part two, learn how ER-2 pilots eat, drink, and use ForeFlight while wearing…
AOPA: un test comparatif de la 100LL et de la 100 sans plomb sur le même avion bimoteur.
The association has leased a refurbished 1966 Beechcraft Baron with two freshly overhauled, normally aspirated Continental IO-520 engines. It will operate the aircraft with leaded 100LL avgas fuelling the starboard engine, and 100 octane unleaded supplying the port engine. The unleaded fuel is G100UL developed by General Aviation…
SpaceX: 74 lancements depuis janvier 2023
Source: Les Echos…
Chine: Hélicoptère d’attaque Z-10 remotorisé
https://www.avianews.ch/post/l-h%C3%A9licopt%C3%A8re-z-10-remotoris%C3%A9? https://www.safran-group.com/fr/produits-services/wz16ardiden-3c-premier-moteur-aeronautique-certifie-chine…