eVTOL: crash test à la NASA

La brosse à dent: une sécurité pour le non-vol

A lire ou écouter en anglais sur https://pilotworkshop.com/tips/go-no-go-confidence/ When you fly cross-country, even if you intend to return the same day, take a small RON kit—for Remain Over Night. Toothbrush and shaving kit, medications if you need them, perhaps a change of clothes, and a credit card for…

NASA: Tarantula Nebula

The wavy lines superimposed on this image represent the magnetic fields swirling within 30 Doradus, a star-forming region also known as the Tarantula Nebula. In most of the nebula’s core, these magnetic fields are incredibly strong, helping to hold its structure intact—but in some spots, the field is…

Finale à Funchal (Madère) en 737MAX

Corée: modernisation des F-15


ZeroAvia: un Dornier 228 H2-électrique

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