Un nouveau brouilleur pour le Growler

http://psk.blog.24heures.ch/archive/2022/08/16/la-navy-receptionne-son-nouveau-brouilleur%C2%A0-873440.html https://www.raytheonintelligenceandspace.com/what-we-do/air-dominance/electronic-warfare/ngj…

SEAD: suppression des défenses aériennes ennemies


USA, les accidents récents en aviation générale

This article originally appeared in the August 2022 issue of Aviation Safety magazine.…

Quizz sur les vitesses

https://www.boldmethod.com/blog/quizzes/2022/08/six-questions-to-test-your-v-speed-knowledge/ Vs0The beginning of the White Arc is the power off Stalling Speed with gear and full flaps extended, also known as Vs0. The Vs0 (Velocity Stall 0) represents the Stalling Speed of the aircraft configured for landing. (i.e. Gear Down and Flaps Down) An easy way to…

CASA (Australie): des guides pour le pilote


FAL (fédération aéronautique luxembourgeoise)


L’US Navy repêche un F/A-18 balayé du pont par la tempête en juillet dernier

Le rapport du NTSB sur l’accident du Cessna de Red Bull

The board spent just 150 words in its analysis of what went wrong (and right) with the stunt, which sparked intense media and forum discussion for days after the 182 slammed vertically into the desert.  The board spent just 150 words in its analysis of what went wrong…

Le missile air-air russe R-77

Après une maintenance, soyez aux aguets