L’eVTOL eHang chinois


Le planeur sud-africain JS3 Rapture dans les Alpes

Voler sur un Westland Lysander

Hang gliding et parachute

UK: un mini-tour d’Angleterre en juillet

Lire sur https://www.flyer.co.uk/mini-tour-to-replace-laa-round-britain-event/ LAA: http://www.lightaircraftassociation.co.uk/…

Le statut du 737 Max selon les pays au 01/03

Boeing Australia: premier vol du drone “Loyal Wingman”

https://www.defensenews.com/air/2021/03/02/australia-makes-another-order-for-boeing-made-loyal-wingman-drones-after-a-successful-first-flight/ http://psk.blog.24heures.ch/archive/2021/03/02/vol-inaugural-pour-le-drone-%C2%A0loyal-wingman%C2%A0-de-boeing%C2%A0-870650.html…

FAA: se tromper d’aérodrome

The numbers are staggering. Over a two-year period the FAA says that there were 557 wrong-surface landings in fiscal year 2016, 85 percent of which involved GA planes. Nearly 90 percent happened during the day and the vast majority were under visual flight rules. A lot of factors…

Le fret aérien en France

Source: Les Echos…

Volkel AFB (NL) le 24/02/2021

https://www.steehouwer.com/galleries/2021/volkel-afb-24th-of-feb-2021/ Un specimen de photo…