LF5422: accès routier depuis Luxembourg Ville

Mis à jour le 17/07/2024…

Airbus: prévisions à vingt ans

Source: Les Echos https://www.avianews.ch/post/airbus-boeing-pr%C3%A9visions-en-hausse?…

Boeing: des commandes bienvenues

https://www.avianews.ch/post/nouvelles-commandes-pour-le-max-et-le-b777f? https://aviationweek.com/air-transport/airlines-lessors/lessor-aviation-capital-group-adds-max-orderbook?…

Italie: vers l’achat de 24 Eurofighter standard 4


Airbus livre 323 avions au premier semestre 2024

https://www.aerotime.aero/articles/airbus-deliveries-first-half-2024-chinese-plant? extrait The total of 323 aircraft deliveries represents around 42% of the company’s full-year target of 770. This figure was recently downgraded from 800 due to ongoing supply chain constraints and delays, as reported by AeroTime here. The number is made up of 261 A320neo family aircraft, with…

Boeing MAX: « plaider coupable »

Source: Les Echos…

Un premier solo dangereux

https://www.flyingmag.com/training/pilots-first-solo-ends-with-stall-spin-at-45-feet/? Le rapport canadien…

Atterrissage en campagne

A lire ou écouter en anglais https://pilotworkshop.com/tips/engine-out-to-a-field…

Ukraine: les bombes planantes russes

Arabie saoudite: 4 A330 MRTT de plus

1 56 57 58 59 60 1 680