Les prévisions de Boeing

extrait In general, the single-aisle airliner and freighter markets are expected to recover sooner than for widebody aircraft, based on the slower recovery for long-distance travel demand.…

Un vieux Canadair et du Ricard

Vu sur un groupe whatsapp…

France: l’industrie aéronautique souffre du covid-19

Chine: la longue marche de l’industrie aéronautique

Satellites “low cost” d’observation de la terre

Des taxis aériens lors des prochains JO

Voltige à la russe

Les dangers de la désorientation lors des vols de nuit


Quel avenir après le covid-19

The aviation industry has undergone a tectonic shift during the pandemic and flight crews are seeing their careers abruptly on hold. In what form will the industry emerge, given shifting attitudes to business and leisure travel? By common consent the COVID-19 crisis is the worst setback in the…

“Part ML light”
