Survols proches de LF5422

Photos prises le 04/01/2021…

In memoriam: Dino C.

Décédé le 27/12/2020. Un grand manque pour notre association…

Un vol le 01/01/21 autour de LF5422

Micheville et la biodiversité

Llanbedr airport (Wales)…

Tarfaya (Cap Juby)…

20 km autour de votre domicile ?

Voir sur Ne pas oublier de remplir l’attestation adhoc (rubrique 6 ?)…

SAB une piste de 400 mètres

The airport, named after the Aruban Minister Juancho Irausquin, has the shortest commercial runway in the world, only 400 metres (1,312 ft) long, flanked on one side by high hills, with cliffs that drop into the sea at both ends.[1][2] Although the airport is closed to jet traffic, regional airline propeller aircraft…

Les codes IATA des aéroports

Un exemple FRU – Bishkek  Head to Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, and you’ll find the airport is named Manas International. Manas, as it happens, is a character from an epic poem, revered as a fierce warrior and great unifier, and hugely famous in Kyrgyzstan. Most experts say…

Les aéroports europens en péril

1 25 26 27 28 29 142