Six types de brouillard dangereux

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IFR par inadvertance…

Contourner un orage ? De quel côté If you approach a line of storms and you’re faced with a “should I turn right or left?” moment, turning toward the upwind route is typically the best decision.…

Souvenir d’orages


Des photos d’occlusion sur les Alpes centrales

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Prévisions météo et radiofréquences

La multiplication des applications de radiofréquences provoque des conflits d’usage. Un radar chinois a récemment aveuglé un satellite d’observation de la Terre et la 5G, en phase de déploiement, pourrait dégrader la qualité des prévisions. Source : (réservé aux abonnés du journal Le Monde)…

Lenticulaires sur Perpignan

Voler sous la neige ? Perhaps the biggest threat from snow is when the aircraft is still on the surface. Pulling your plane out of a relatively warm hangar into a snowfall will cause it to accumulate on the surfaces of the aircraft quite quickly and contaminate the wing. Never attempt to…

“White out” … conditions Definitions These definitions are not intended to be official scientific explanations, but merely to serve as operational definitions suitable to the aviation community for the purpose of this training. These terms should not be used interchangeably. Flat LightFlat light is an optical illusion, also known as “sector…
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