Un casque sans fil
Une bonne idée mais autour de 800 euros Lightspeed Link is not Bluetooth or WiFi, but incorporates existing technologies chosen for both signal reliability and audio quality for the aviation environment. https://www.sportys.com/pilotshop/pirep/lightspeed-tango-wireless-headset-first-impressions/ https://www.sportys.com/pilotshop/lightspeed-tango-wireless-headset.html [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FujKEbrMvQ&w=560&h=315]…
Radio : indicatif solo avant le call-sign
Lire sur aeroVFR http://www.aerovfr.com/2015/07/indicatif-solo-pour-les-eleves-pilotes/ The use of call sign suffix for solo flights is a best practice that is strongly encouraged by the Belgian CAA. ASIL 2015_02 ‘Solo’ call sing suffix for student pilots GA_tcm467-269334…