Incidence et angle d’attaque

Un quizz sur l’aérodynamique…

Arrondi et « vortices »…

NASA: le X-59, supersonique silencieux Source: Les Echos…

DARPA: un concours de design pour des VTOL…

Un quizz sur l’aérodynamique…

Turbulence de sillage

Un quizz sur l’aérodynamique…

Rappel: les vitesses « V »

V – Velocity, now used in defining air speeds: VA = Maneuvering Speed (max structural speed for full control deflection)VD = Max Dive Speed (for certification only)VFE = Max Flaps Extended SpeedVLE = Max Landing Gear Extended SpeedVLO = Max Landing Gear Operation SpeedVNE = Never Exceed SpeedVNO = Max Structural Cruising SpeedVS0 = Stalling Speed Landing…

Airplane Parts and Function

Home > Beginners Guide to Aeronautics AIRCRAFT PARTS EXPLAINED – from the NASA Glenn Research Center website. NASA-GLENN-AIRPLANE-PARTS This page shows the parts of an airplane and their functions. Airplanes are transportation devices which are designed to move people and cargo from one place to another. Airplanes come in many different shapes and sizes depending on…
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