HCE: formation Rotax 2022


Les hélices: comment ça marche ?


Un quizz ?


IPad mini: GPS intégré ou non ?

RefuelEU: les biocarburants

Source: Les Echos…

Kitplanes: le guide des moteurs

2022 Engine Buyer’s Guide Index We will be publishing sections of the Engine Buyer’s Guide during the week and they will become available here: Introduction Flat Four-Stroke Gasoline Inline and V Four-Stroke Radial and Rotary (Traditional) Rotary (Wankel) Compression Ignition (Diesel & Jet A) Volkswagen Jets & Turboprops…

Dynon et la pénurie de chips

https://www.flyer.co.uk/dynon-warns-of-delivery-delays-for-avionics/? Dynon Avionics is the latest aviation company to warn of delays in delivering new products because of a crisis in the global supply chain of components. The delay affects both Certified and Experimental (Permit) avionics.…

Le trim

Les meilleures fixations pour tablette, smartphone …


Le design d’un avion

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