Le système d’alimentation en carburant

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Le Velis électrique aux USA

Cessna, Lycoming: OK pour le « unleaded »

https://www.flyer.co.uk/cessna-singles-ok-to-use-unleaded-fuel/ https://cessna.txtav.com/ Cessna singles OK to use unleaded fuel By Dave Calderwood | 26th October 2021 10:16 Europe/London It’s OK to use unleaded and very low lead avgas in three popular Cessna single-engine piston aircraft following a series of tests by engine maker Lycoming. Textron Aviation, which owns both Cessna and…

Vidéos de « kitplanes »

RR teste du SAF 100% sur le récateur Trent 1000

SAF ? voir https://www.bp.com/en/global/air-bp/news-and-views/views/what-is-sustainable-aviation-fuel-saf-and-why-is-it-important.html…

Des ailes pour les bateaux

Le « back-up » portable Dynon D3

https://dynonavionics.com/pocket-panel.php#0 https://www.finesse-max.com/horizons-artificiels/579-dynon-d3-pocket-panel-efis-portable.html https://dynonavionics.com/includes/guides/103538-000_Rev_A_D3_Pilot_Guide_001.pdf…

iPad mini 6 vs 5

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