Scepticisme sur l’aviation électrique Read more on the world of electric aircraft here: Diamond Aircraft To Build Electric DA40 Model FAA To Approve Electric Motors Electric Creep…
Le design des extrémités d’ailes
In our study of wing design, we have progressed from the inner portion and the flaps to the outer part of the span and the ailerons. Now we arrive at the tip of the wing. The design of the wingtip can have a significant effect on the drag of the airplane.…
Fonctionnement d’un indicateur d’attitude…
SAF ? Biojet fuel ? …
What is SAF?Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is the main termused by the aviation industry to describe a nonconventional (fossil derived) aviation fuel. SAFis the preferred IATA term for this type of fuelalthough when other terms such as sustainablealternative fuel, sustainable alternative jet fuel,renewable jet fuel or biojet fuel…