Planeur: la symétrie en virage

Eviter utilement l’ennui en vol…

“Go around”: les paramètres

Corrections en approche finale…

Vol en planeur: un “webinaire” sur la formation “SPL”

Info sur le cursus de formation mis en place par la FFVP pour obtenir la licence Européenne SPL…

Vol en niveau de vol (FL)

Fiche de synthèse “Vol en FL” :…

Trimer à l’atterrissage ? Using Trim = Smoother Landings There’s no “perfect way” to trim an airplane. But using trim is an excellent way to reduce your workload in the cockpit, and make your flights more comfortable. Practice trimming during every phase of flight, so you can fly with fingertip pressure.…

“Position défensive” du non-pilote Review: Defensive Positioning Whether you’re a private pilot, CFI, or airline pilot, you should have some form of defensive positioning established when you’re not the pilot flying. Defensive positioning doesn’t mean hovering your hands over the throttle and control yoke. Instead, during critical phases of flight, you should have one…

Retour d’expérience sur une panne moteur lors d’un VFR on top

Approche circulaire: ses difficultés Landing from a circling approach can be challenging for a few reasons. The ceilings might be low and the visibility can be just as bad. On top of that, it’s a maneuver that most of us don’t practice very often. When you combine all three, you’ve got…
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