Eviter le décrochage de trim (elevator trim)
https://www.boldmethod.com/learn-to-fly/maneuvers/how-you-can-prevent-an-elevator-trim-stall-on-final/ The elevator trim stall demonstration shows what can happen if you apply full power for a go-around without maintaining positive control of the airplane. They’re a demonstration-only maneuver; only flight instructor applicants may be required to perform it on a practical test (FAA Airplane Flying Handbook).…
Quand l’atterrissage se passe mal: des vidéos à voir
https://www.boldmethod.com/blog/lists/2020/06/7-landings-gone-wrong-caught-on-camera/ Un exemple…
EFATO: Engine Failure After Take Off Source: Flyer…
Suspendre le décollage ?
Lire les 8 cas où cela s’impose https://www.boldmethod.com/blog/lists/2020/06/8-times-you-should-reject-a-takeoff/…
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