Las Vegas : incendie au décollage d’un 777

Un endroit pour « flamber » ?

The plane aborted take-off shortly before the fire broke out. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said the Boeing’s 777 left engine – manufactured by General Electric – burst into flames.

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A lire
Des remarques de la “CASA” organisme australien de sécurité sur cette évacuation en urgence de l’avion

Footage of another emergency evacuation early in the year, also in the United States, highlighted the ignorant complacency of the general public. Despite blaring warnings to ‘Leave your belongings, evacuate left side!’ passengers can still be seen clutching for jackets and handbags with some even opening overhead lockers to salvage their carry-on luggage.

Aviation regulations around the world require aircraft passengers to obey the commands of crew in an emergency, and not to recklessly endanger an aircraft. Dragging your roll-aboard behind you in an evacuation breaks both these rules.