Un successeur européen au Breguet Atlantic ?
Mc Donnell Aircraft: une histoire
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell_Aircraft_Corporation Aircraft[edit] Model name First flight Number built Type McDonnell XP-67 1944 1 Prototype twin piston engine interceptor fighter McDonnell FH Phantom 1945 62 Twin jet engine fighter McDonnell XHJH-1 Whirlaway 1946 1 Twin piston engine helicopter McDonnell F2H Banshee 1947 895 Twin jet engine fighter McDonnell XH-20…
Canada: l’armée de l’air … et F-35
03:20 | Armée de l’air Canadienne 07:30 | Le programme F-35 et le Canada 11:30 | Retour Historique le CF105 14:18 | « My two-cents » 21:30 | Conclusion…
Ukraine: des Su-57 russes utilisés dans le conflit ?
https://www.key.aero/article/uk-mod-claims-russia-using-su-57-ukraine-conflict? The UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) has claimed that the Russian Aerospace Forces (RuASF) have “almost certainly” been using fifth-generation Sukhoi Su-57 multi-role fighters in combat missions against Ukraine for at least seven months. The claim was first highlighted in the UK MOD’s daily defence intelligence update on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine on January 9, which…
Munitions baladeuses: des précurseurs
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_Shadow: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loitering_munition…
Dassault Rafale 2022
https://www.avianews.ch/post/nouvelle-livraison-de-rafale-pour-la-france extrait…
Corée et Indonésie: le KC-21, un développement ambitieux
Où en est le programme F-35 ?
https://www.avianews.ch/post/le-point-sur-le-programme-f-35 extrait…
Canada: achat du F-35 après une longue saga