Hawkeye: catapultage et appontage

Surchauffe tablette et smartphone

https://www.flyer.co.uk/caa-warns-of-overheating-moving-map-apps/ extrait The CAA has issued a warning to General Aviation pilots about the current heatwave affecting the UK causing tablets and smartphones to shut down when operating a moving map navigation app. “Summer is with us and we’ve had reports of tablets and mobiles overheating in the…

MAKS-21: quelques photos

Planeur dans le désert

Modernisation du J-11B chinois contrefaçon du Su-27


Transport aérien et évolution climatique

Les Echos du 21/07…

Vents légers de travers

https://www.boldmethod.com/learn-to-fly/weather/what-is-worse-light-or-strong-crosswind-landings/ extraits How Can A Light Crosswind Cause So Many Problems? As the saying goes, “the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t.” When you’re dealing with a strong crosswind, you know it’s there, and you’re ready for it. But when the winds are light,…

Le Mondial 21 de Blois maintenu


Un 787 sans roulette avant ?

Le HondaJet Elite