KLM: un accord avec les pilotes

Contexte voir https://lf5422.wordpress.com/2020/11/02/la-klm-et-ses-pilotes/…

Le Cygnet de Viking aircraft


Du T-50 au Su-57


Panne de frein à l’atterrissage: que faire ?


Un 747 au fond de l’océan près de l’Ile Maurice

Un rapport d’accident du BEA

https://www.lepopulaire.fr/saint-junien-87200/actualites/crash-d-ulm-a-saint-junien-un-an-apres-le-bea-publie-son-rapport-d-enquete_13868997/ Le rapport du BEA Extrait … selon les conclusions du BEA, trois facteurs ont pu contribuer au crash du Pioneer 200.…

Ryanair surfe sur la crise covid-19


UK: le reconfinement

Voir aussi https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-general-aviation/coronavirus-covid-19-general-aviation qui devrait être actualisé. FLYER has been in contact with the Department for Transport which said it is working on updating its coronavirus guidance for GA.…

Le cargo Convair XC-99

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convair_XC-99 The US Air Force determined that it had no need for such a large, long-range transport at that time, and no more were ordered. The sole XC-99 served until 1957, including much use during the Korean War. It made twice weekly trips from Kelly AFB to the aircraft…

Voler en MVFR

Marginal VFR weather in most airspace is ceilings as low as 1000 feet and/or visibility as low as 5000 metres. Few pilots routinely fly VFR in this kind of weather, so let’s consider go/no-go decision-making when faced with these conditions. (By day, when VMC does not exist, ATC…