Atterrir sans volet ?…

Une réplique suisse d’un Nieuport 23C-1


Pierre Robin

Extraits du magazine Flyer…

Vers un Bronco II ? The Armed Overwatch program is an effort launched by U.S. Special Operations Command to purchase roughly 75 manned, fixed-wing aircraft to perform close air support, precision strike, and ISR missions.[1] An OTA prototype demonstration requirement is scheduled for release on February 14, 2020, followed by an industry day March 4–5 to allow…

Heure 10 verres

depuis hier matin Source: CBS…

Prévisions à 20 ans des besoins en pilotes et techniciens

In its recently released 2020 Pilot and Technician Outlook, Boeing is projecting that 763,000 new civil aviation pilots will be needed globally over the next 20 years. In addition, the report forecasts a need for 739,000 new aviation maintenance technicians and 903,000 new cabin crew members from 2020…

Le B-2 prendra sa retraite en 2032 Par contre celle du B-52H n’est prévue qu’en 2040…

Ramjet pour le Super Hornet…

Apponter en Greyhound

Planeur: oublier de sortir le train