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Rappel AZBA un extrait…
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Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway OPerationS ou encore SODPROPS
What are SODPROPS? SODPROPS stands for Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway OPerationS. SODPROPS regulations allow airports to move traffic in opposite directions while maintaining safety standards. Opposite direction operations are often useful at airports with noise sensitive neighbors on one side, where arriving and departing traffic over water or away from residential areas might…
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Japon: les inquiétudes des pilotes commerciaux…
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Les ennuis de Southwest
It has not been a great week for Southwest Airlines Last week, Elliott bought 11% of the airline and said it wants to fire the CEO and board of directors. This week, news did not get much better. In reverse chronological order:…
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Crash d’un ULM en Bretagne NB: on peut reconnaître le design d’un Shark (spécifications)…
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FFPLUM: flash sécurité
flash sécurité extrait Les pénétrations involontaires ou volontaires de zones interdites ont fortement augmenté ces dernières semaines comparativement aux années précédentes. Ainsi, en mai 2024, 43 infractions ont été relevées par l’armée de l’Air et de l’Espace, soit une augmentation de 40 % par rapport à 2023.…