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Contourner un orage ? De quel côté

https://www.boldmethod.com/blog/lists/2021/02/7-reasons-why-you-should-fly-around-the-upwind-side-of-a-thunderstorm/ If you approach a line of storms and you’re faced with a “should I turn right or left?” moment, turning toward the upwind route is typically the best decision.…

Les 777 cloués au sol pour inspection des PW4000-112

Atterrissage de précaution hors aérodrome

Un drone hors contrôle

Source: Flyer https://www.flyer.co.uk/aaib-report-slams-caa-and-airspeeder-after-demo-drone-crash/ Extrait The Airspeeder pilot lost control and an emergency kill switch was operated but had no effect. The drone then climbed to approximately 8,000ft, entered controlled airspace at a holding point for flights arriving at Gatwick Airport, before its battery depleted and it fell to…

Crash d’un ULM à Saint Florentin

Lire sur https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/bourgogne-franche-comte/yonne/yonne-le-crash-d-un-ulm-fait-un-mort-et-un-blesse-grave-1966288.html…

VNE limitée pour le VL3 “Aveko”

Retour sur un accident

… d’un Ryan PT22, construit en 1941 https://www.lamontagne.fr/beaulieu-63570/actualites/crash-mortel-d-un-avion-a-beaulieu-puy-de-dome-que-dit-le-rapport-d-enquete-un-an-apres_13916418/…

Un Colomban Luciole perd un ski à Klagenfurt

https://tvthek.orf.at/profile/AKTUELL-nach-fuenf/13887571/AKTUELL-nach-fuenf/14082182/Notlandung-nach-Schaden-an-Tragflaeche/14860265 https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/247857…
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