Les fondamentaux d’un avion léger électrique

Kitplanes: https://www.kitplanes.com/electric-airplane-fundamentals/?…

Scepticisme sur l’aviation électrique

https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/news/pilot-talk/2021/10/14/skeptical-about-electrical/ Read more on the world of electric aircraft here: Diamond Aircraft To Build Electric DA40 Model FAA To Approve Electric Motors Electric Creep…

50 Velis Electro pour Green airside ?

https://www.flyer.co.uk/50-electric-pipistrel-aircraft-for-uk-flying-schools/? The Velis Electro is designed for circuit training with a flight endurance of 50 minutes with a VFR reserve. If you plan to fly to another airfield, that airfield must have a charger available to recharge after you land, says Fly About Aviation. Green Airside…

Le eDA40 de Diamond


Le prototype RR électrique “spirit of innovation”

La vogue des cargos électriques

UK et le Velis électrique


eVTOL Joby : 150 miles

Nouveaux records pour le Veltris en Australie

hum ?!…

Kit: un motoplaneur électrique

A lire absolument Motorisation … There is little or no official documentation and support from Zero Motorcycles directly. There are many kind and generous souls who have put a lot of time and effort into aggregating as much information as possible online. Here are the best two sources…
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